- Diewald, Nils/Gierke, Marco/Kupietz, Marc/Lüngen, Harald (2024): Das Orthografische Kernkorpus (OKK) in DeReKo. Zusammensetzung, Analyse- und Zugriffsmöglichkeiten über KorAP
- In: Krome, Sabine/Habermann, Mechthild/Lobin, Henning/Wöllstein, Angelika (Eds.), Orthographie in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Schriftsystem - Norm - Schreibgebrauch, Jahrbuch des Leibniz-Instituts für Deutsche Sprache. Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston, pp. 329–343.
- Kupietz, Marc/Bański, Piotr/Diewald, Nils/Trawiński, Beata/Witt, Andreas (2024): EuReCo: Not Building and Yet Using Federated Comparable Corpora for Cross-Linguistic Research
- In: Zweigenbaum, Pierre/Rapp, Reinhard/Sharoff, Serge (Eds.), Proceedings of the BUCC 2024: The 17th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora. poster, ELRA Language Resource Association, May 20, 2024, Torino, Italia, pp. 94–103.
- Kupietz, Marc/Lüngen, Harald/Diewald, Nils (2023): Das Gesamtkonzept des Deutschen Referenzkorpus DeReKo - Vom Design bis zur Verwendung und darüber hinaus
- In: Deppermann, Arnulf/Fandrych, Christian/Kupietz, Marc/Schmidt, Thomas (Eds.), Korpora in der germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft, Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache 2023. de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, pp. 1–28.
- Bański, Piotr/Diewald, Nils/Kupietz, Marc/Trawiński, Beata (2023): Applying the newly extended European Reference Corpus EuReCo
- In: Trawiński, Beata/Kupietz, Marc/Proost, Kristel/Zinken, Jörg (Eds.), 10. International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC). Book of Abstracts (preconference version), Proceedings of the ICLC. IDS-Verlag, July 18–21, 2023, Mannheim.
- Kupietz, Marc/Barbaresi, Adrien/Čermáková, Anna/Czachor, Małgorzata/Diewald, Nils/Ebeling, Jarle/Górski, Rafał L./Kirk, John/Křen, Michal/Lüngen, Harald/Margaretha, Eliza/Oksefjell Ebeling, Signe/Ó Meachair, Mícheál/Pisetta, Ines/Uí Dhonnchadha, Elaine/Vogel, Friedemann/Wilm, Rebecca/Xu, Jiajin/Yaddehige, Rameela (2023): News from the International Comparable Corpus: First launch of ICC written
- In: Trawiński, Beata/Kupietz, Marc/Proost, Kristel/Zinken, Jörg (Eds.), 10. International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC). Book of Abstracts (preconference version), Proceedings of the ICLC. IDS-Verlag, July 18–21, 2023, Mannheim.
- Kupietz, Marc/Diewald, Nils/Margaretha, Eliza (2022): Building Paths to Corpus Data
- In: Fišer, Darja/Witt, Andreas (Eds.), CLARIN, Digital Linguistics. De Gruyter, pp. 163–190.
- Diewald, Nils/Kupietz, Marc/Lüngen, Harald (2022): Tokenizing on Scale - Preprocessing large text corpora on the lexical and sentence level
- In: Klosa-Kückelhaus, Annette/Engelberg, Stefan/Möhrs, Christine/Storjohann, Petra (Eds.), Dictionaries and Society, Proceedings of the XX EURALEX International Congress. IDS-Verlag, July 12–16, 2022, Mannheim, pp. 208–221.
- Diewald, Nils (2022): Matrix and Double-Array Representations for Efficient Finite State Tokenization
- In: Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-10) at LREC 2022. June 20, 2022, Marseille, France, pp. 20–26. [software]
- Lemnitzer, Lothar/Diewald, Nils (2022): Abfrage und Analyse von Korpusbelegen
- In: Beißwenger, Michael/Lemnitzer, Lothar/Müller-Spitzer, Carolin (Eds.), Forschen in der Linguistik - Eine Methodeneinführung für das Germanistik-Studium. Brill Fink, Paderborn, pp. 374–390.
- Kupietz, Marc/Diewald, Nils/Fischer, Peter M./Margaretha, Eliza (2022): Reproducible complex corpus analyses with KorAP's R and Python libraries
- Abstracts of the DGfS Poster Session, Poster, DGfS, February 23, 2022.
- Diewald, Nils/Margaretha, Eliza/Kupietz, Marc (2021): Lessons learned in Quality Management for Online Research Software Tools in Linguistics
- In: Lüngen, Harald/Kupietz, Marc/Bański, Piotr/Barbaresi, Adrien/Clematide, Simon/Pisetta, Ines (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-9). Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, July 12, 2021, Limerick, Ireland (online), pp. 20–26.
- Diewald, Nils/Bodmer, Franck/Harders, Peter/Irimia, Elena/Kupietz, Marc/Margaretha, Eliza/Stallkamp, Helge (2021): KorAP und EuReCo - Recherchieren in mehrsprachigen vergleichbaren Korpora
- In: Lobin, Henning/Wöllstein, Angelika/Witt, Andreas (Eds.), Deutsch in Europa, Proceedings of the Methodenmesse im Rahmen der Jahrestagung des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache. De Gruyter, March 11, 2020, Mannheim, Germany, pp. 287–293.
- Kupietz, Marc/Diewald, Nils/Margaretha, Eliza (2020): RKorAPClient: An R Package for Accessing the German Reference Corpus DeReKo via KorAP
- In: Calzolari, Nicoletta/Béchet, Frédéric/Blache, Philippe/Choukri, Khalid/Cieri, Christopher/Declerck, Thierry/Goggi, Sara/Isahara, Hitoshi/Maegaard, Bente/Mariani, Joseph/Mazo, Hélène/Moreno, Asuncion/Odijk, Jan/Piperidis, Stelios (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020). European Language Resources Association (ELRA), pp. 7017–7023.
- Kupietz, Marc/Diewald, Nils/Margaretha, Eliza/Bodmer, Franck/Stallkamp, Helge/Harders, Peter (2020): Recherche in Social-Media-Korpora mit KorAP
- In: Marx, Konstanze/Lobin, Henning/Schmidt, Axel (Eds.), Deutsch in Sozialen Medien. Interaktiv, multimodal, vielfältig, Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache 2019. de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, pp. 373–378.
- Kupietz, Marc/Diewald, Nils/Trawiński, Beata/Cosma, Ruxandra/Cristea, Dan/Tufiş, Dan/Váradi, Tamás/Wöllstein, Angelika (2020): Recent developments in the European Reference Corpus EuReCo
- In: Granger, Sylviane/Lefer, Marie-Aude (Eds.), Translating and Comparing Languages: Corpus-based Insights, Corpora and Language in Use. Presses universitaires de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, pp. 257–273.
- Cristea, Dan/Diewald, Nils/Haja, Gabriela/Mărănduc, Cătălina/Barbu Mititelu, Verginica/Onofrei, Mihaela (2019): How to find a shining needle in the haystack. Querying CoRoLa: solutions and perspectives
- In: Cosma, Ruxandra/Kupietz, Marc (Eds.), On design, creation and use of the Reference Corpus of Contemporary Romanian and its analysis tools. CoRoLa, KorAP, DRuKoLA and EuReCo, Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, 64(3). Editura Academiei Române, Bucharest, Romania.
- Diewald, Nils/Barbu Mititelu, Verginica/Kupietz, Marc (2019): The KorAP user interface. Accessing CoRoLa via KorAP
- In: Cosma, Ruxandra/Kupietz, Marc (Eds.), On design, creation and use of the Reference Corpus of Contemporary Romanian and its analysis tools. CoRoLa, KorAP, DRuKoLA and EuReCo, Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, 64(3). Editura Academiei Române, Bucharest, Romania.
- Kupietz, Marc/Margaretha, Eliza/Diewald, Nils/Lüngen, Harald/Fankhauser, Peter (2019): What's New in EuReCo? Interoperability, Comparable Corpora, Licensing
- In: Bański, Piotr/Barbaresi, Adrien/Biber, Hanno/Breiteneder, Evelyn/Clematide, Simon/Kupietz, Marc/Lüngen, Harald/Illiadi, Caroline (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-7). July 22, 2019, Cardiff, UK, pp. 33–39.
- Tufiș, Dan/Barbu Mititelu, Verginica/Irimia, Elena/Păiș, Vasile/Ion, Radu/Diewald, Nils/Mitrofan, Maria/Onofrei, Mihaela (2019): Little strokes fell great oaks. Creating CoRoLa, the reference corpus of contemporary Romanian
- In: Cosma, Ruxandra/Kupietz, Marc (Eds.), On design, creation and use of the Reference Corpus of Contemporary Romanian and its analysis tools. CoRoLa, KorAP, DRuKoLA and EuReCo, Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, 64(3). Editura Academiei Române, Bucharest, Romania.
- Kupietz, Marc/Cosma, Ruxandra/Cristea, Dan/Diewald, Nils/Trawiński, Beata/Tufiş, Dan/Váradi, Tamás/Wöllstein, Angelika (2018): Recent Developments in the European Reference Corpus EuReCo
- In: Granger, Sylviane/Lefer, Marie-Aude/Aguiar de Souza Penha Marion, Laura (Eds.), Book of Abstracts, Proceedings of Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies - UCCTS (5th edition). CECL, September 12, 2018, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, pp. 101–103.
- Kupietz, Marc/Diewald, Nils/Fankhauser, Peter (2018): How to Get the Computation Near the Data: Improving Data Accessibility to, and Reusability of Analysis Functions in Corpus Query Platforms
- In: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-6), LREC'18. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), May 7, 2018, Miyazaki, Japan, pp. 20–25.
- Kupietz, Marc/Diewald, Nils/Margaretha, Eliza/Bodmer, Franck/Stallkamp, Helge/Harders, Peter (2018): Neues von KorAP
- In: Eichinger, Ludwig M./Plewnia, Albrecht (Eds.), Neues vom Heutigen Deutsch. Empirisch - Methodisch - Theoretisch, Proceedings of the Methodenmesse im Rahmen der Jahrestagung des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache. De Gruyter, March 14, 2018, Mannheim, Germany, pp. 345–349.
- Diewald, Nils/Margaretha, Eliza (2017): Krill: KorAP search and analysis engine
- In: Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics (JLCL), 31(1). pp. 63–80.
- Diewald, Nils/Hanl, Michael/Margaretha, Eliza/Bingel, Joachim/Kupietz, Marc/Bański, Piotr/Witt, Andreas (2016): KorAP architecture - Diving in the Deep Sea of Corpus Data
- In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). European Language Resources Association (ELRA), May 23–28, 2016, Portorož, Slovenia, pp. 3586–3591.
- Fischer, Peter M./Diewald, Nils/Kupietz, Marc/Witt, Andreas (2016): Aufbau einer Korpusinfrastruktur für die Beobachtung des Schreibgebrauchs
- In: Proceedings of The Digital Humanities im Deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2016). March 7–12, 2016, Leipzig, Germany.
- Kupietz, Marc/Diewald, Nils/Hanl, Michael/Margaretha, Eliza (2016): Möglichkeiten der Erforschung grammatischer Variation mithilfe von KorAP, der neuen Korpusanalyseplattform des IDS
- In: Konopka, Marek/Wöllstein, Angelika (Eds.), Grammatische Variation. Empirische Zugänge und theoretische Modellierung, Proceedings of the Methodenmesse im Rahmen der Jahrestagung des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache. De Gruyter, March 9, 2016, Mannheim, Germany, pp. 319–329.
- Mell, Ruth M./Diewald, Nils (2016): Korpusbasierte Diskursrecherche mit Rabbid
- In: Mell, Ruth M./Gredel, Eva (Eds.), OPAL - Online publizierte Arbeiten zur Linguistik, 2018(2), Proceedings of Germanistentag 2016. September 24, 2016, Bayreuth, Germany, pp. 18–30.
- Bingel, Joachim/Diewald, Nils (2015): KoralQuery – a General Corpus Query Protocol
- In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Innovative Corpus Query and Visualization Tools at NODALIDA 2015. May 11–13, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania, pp. 1–5.
- Stührenberg, Maik/Diewald, Nils/Gleim, Rüdiger (2015): Considerations for a Linguistic Network Markup Language
- In: Mehler, Alexander/Lücking, Andy/Banisch, Sven/Blanchard, Philippe/Frank-Job, Barbara (Eds.), Towards a Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Complex Linguistic Networks, Understanding Complex Systems. Springer, pp. 299–330.
- Bański, Piotr/Diewald, Nils/Hanl, Michael/Kupietz, Marc/Witt, Andreas (2014): Access Control by Query Rewriting: the Case of KorAP
- In: Proceedings of the 9th conference on the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2014). European Language Resources Association (ELRA), May, 2014, Reykjavic, Iceland, pp. 3817–3822.
- Bański, Piotr/Bingel, Joachim/Diewald, Nils/Frick, Elena/Hanl, Michael/Kupietz, Marc/Pęzik, Piotr/Schnober, Carsten/Witt, Andreas (2013): KorAP: the new corpus analysis platform at IDS Mannheim
- In: Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Language and Technology (LTC-2013). December, 2013, Poznań, Polen.
- Diewald, Nils/Frank-Job, Barbara (2013): Kollaborative Aushandlung von Kategorien am Beispiel des GuttenPlag Wikis
- In: Frank-Job, Barbara/Mehler, Alexander/Sutter, Tillmann (Eds.), Die Dynamik sozialer und sprachlicher Netzwerke. Konzepte, Methoden und empirische Untersuchungen am Beispiel des WWW. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, pp. 365–399. [Images]
- Diewald, Nils/Stührenberg, Maik (2013): An extensible API for documents with multiple annotation layers
- In: Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, 10, Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference. August 6–9, 2013, Montréal, Canada. [Slides]
- Diewald, Nils (2012): Decentralized Online Social Networks
- In: Mehler, Alexander/Romary, Laurent (Eds.), Handbook of Technical Communication, Handbook of Applied Linguistics, 8. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, pp. 461–505. [Images]
- Gleim, Rüdiger/Hoenen, Armin/Diewald, Nils/Mehler, Alexander/Ernst, Alexandra (2011): Modeling, Building and Maintaining Lexica for Corpus Linguistic Studies by Example of Late Latin
- In: Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2011. July 20–22, 2011, Birmingham.
- Mehler, Alexander/Pustylnikov, Olga/Diewald, Nils (2011): Geography of Social Ontologies: Testing a Variant of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis in the Context of Wikipedia
- In: Computer Speech and Language, 25. pp. 716–740.
- Poesio, Massimo/Diewald, Nils/Stührenberg, Maik/Chamberlain, Jon/Jettka, Daniel/Goecke, Daniela/Kruschwitz, Udo (2011): Markup Infrastructure for the Anaphoric Bank: Supporting Web Collaboration
- In: Mehler, Alexander/Kühnberger, Kai-Uwe/Lobin, Henning/Lüngen, Harald/Storrer, Angelika/Witt, Andreas (Eds.), Modelling, Learning and Processing of Text-Technological Data Structures. Springer, pp. 175–195.
- Mehler, Alexander/Diewald, Nils/Waltinger, Ulli/Gleim, Rüdiger/Esch, Dietmar/Job, Barbara/Küchelmann, Thomas/Pustylnikov, Olga/Blanchard, Philippe (2010): Evolution of Romance Language in Written Communication: Network Analysis of Late Latin and Early Romance Corpora
- In: Arts | Humanities | Complex Networks - a Leonardo satellite symposium at the International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci 2010), 44(3). Boston, pp. 244–245.
- Mehler, Alexander/Gleim, Rüdiger/Waltinger, Ulli/Diewald, Nils (2010): Time Series of Linguistic Networks by Example of the Patrologia Latina
- In: Fähnrich, Klaus-Peter/Franczyk, Bogdan (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Informatics, 2, Proceedings of INFORMATIK 2010: Service Science - Neue Perspektiven für die Informatik. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), September 27 – October 1, 2010, Leipzig, Germany, pp. 609–616.
- Diewald, Nils (2008): Approximativer Stringvergleich in selbstorganisierenden Trie-Strukturen
- Masterarbeit, Universität Bielefeld.
- Diewald, Nils/Stührenberg, Maik/Garbar, Anna/Goecke, Daniela (2008): Serengeti - Webbasierte Annotation semantischer Relationen
- In: Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics, 23(2). pp. 74–93.
- Stührenberg, Maik/Goecke, Daniela/Diewald, Nils/Cramer, Irene/Mehler, Alexander (2007): Web-based Annotation of Anaphoric Relations and Lexical Chains
- In: Proceedings of The Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), June, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Witt, Andreas/Diewald, Nils (2006): Texttechnologie an der Universität Bielefeld
- In: Braungart, Georg/Gendolla, Peter/Jannidis, Fotis (Eds.), Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie, 7. mentis Verlag, Paderborn, Germany, pp. 171–186.
- Diewald, Nils (2005): Faserland ist abgebrannt. Über die Romane Christian Krachts
- Bachelorarbeit, Universität Bielefeld.